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Paraguay - Page 150

Paraguay news
They destroy hectares of marijuana in Canindeyú

They destroy hectares of marijuana in Canindeyú

The operation was called “Oñondivepa”, deployed throughout the department of Canindeyu. According to the report, the operation consisted of cutting down and destroying a large area of ​​marijuana plantations in harvest period;
February 14, 2023
15 forms of violence against women stipulated in Law 5777/16

15 forms of violence against women stipulated in Law 5777/16

The different forms of violence conceptualized in Law 5777/16 are: femicidal violence, physical, psychological, sexual violence, against reproductive rights, patrimonial and economic, labor, political, intra-family, obstetric, media, telematic, symbolic, institutional and against
February 14, 2023
Cool weather and scattered showers forecast

Let’s have an open heart today

“Suddenly, Jesus warned them: Open your eyes and beware of both the Pharisees’ and Herod’s yeast. They said to each other: the truth is that we have no bread” Mc. 8:15-16 The
February 14, 2023
“I strongly reject all the accusations”

“I strongly reject all the accusations”

This Monday an eMeeting between ANR authorities and members of the Coordinadora Colorada de Puertos, with the presence of the president of the party, Horacio Cartes and the presidential duo of Santiago
February 14, 2023
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