Friday’s interview with President Gabriel Boric was not casual. It was not because of the chosen medium or because of the opportunity in terms of tactics and strategy. It is known that
Plurinationality is, without a doubt, one of the most controversial elements proposed in the constitutional text emanating from the Convention. This concept has raised fears in the diplomatic sphere, since it would
The former minister of foreign affairs of the second government of Sebastián Piñera and current rector of the Autonomous University, Teodoro Ribera, warned in an opinion column published The Mercury of Valparaiso
Senator Iván Flores García called on the Government to take measures far beyond imposing criminal complaints or establishing states of constitutional exception that —according to the DC legislator— they are unable to
The Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Jeannette Jara, referred to the rise in the cost of living in the country and the measures that have been announced by the Government in
The senator of the National Renewal Paulina Núñez proposed calling a new election to decide under what modality the constituent process should continue in case the Rejection wins; whether by forming a
The political analyst Ernesto Ottone, one of the outstanding thinkers of the historical concertacionismo, hinted at his option to vote for Rejection since, in his opinion, the vices of the constitutional proposal
The Minister of Health, María Begoña Yarza, once again met the interpellation that will take place on August 1 in the Chamber of Deputies, an occasion that the Secretary of State described
The deputy of the Republican Party Gloria Naveillán and the president of Mujeres por la Araucanía, the ex-conventional member of that same party, Ruth Hurtado, called on the new head of the
Among observers and analysts of national politics there is a more or less widespread consensus: even though she managed to get away with an attempt by the Republican Party to impeach her