If the bitcoin sector catches your attention but you don’t want to risk buying the cryptocurrency, there are alternatives to invest without buying digital tokens. Source link
Mexico City would recover until well into 2022 all the jobs lost due to the health contingency that was ordered in 2020 and 2021 to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Claudia Sheinbaum, head
Los datos oficiales son desoladores. Tres ejemplos. La tasa de homicidios lleva desde 2018 prácticamente estancada en los niveles más altos de los que se tiene registro durante las últimas décadas: 29
The members of the Governing Board also updated their inflation forecasts for the following quarters. They estimate that at the end of 2021 inflation will be 6.8% compared to the 6.2% that
After a marathon discussion that began last week and lasted until Sunday, November 14, the Chamber of Deputies approved the Federation Expenditure Budget (PEF) 2022, for a total expenditure of 7 billion
I celebrate that social spending increases in Mexico because, to the extent that it is done, the opportunities for all Mexicans to have a decent life will increase. In fact, at the
Evergrande has coupon payments totaling more than $ 255 million due December 28. It has come under pressure from its other national creditors and a suffocating funding constraint that has overshadowed hundreds
The Good end It is a good opportunity to regain the pace that sales had before the Covid-19 pandemic and that have now been complemented with digital channels. While the e-commerce has