Home South AmericaPeru Castillo gives a different version of the meetings with Chávez from Petroperú

Castillo gives a different version of the meetings with Chávez from Petroperú

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Castillo gives a different version of the meetings with Chávez from Petroperú

A contradiction that opens many questions. President stated in the interview with CNN En Español that in the meeting he held with the general manager of , issues related to the oil lots in the Amazon were addressed and not the Petro-ball project, as Chávez stated to various media outlets.

“With Mr. Hugo Chávez, the work that has to do with the rescue of the oil wells was coordinated. He is an official and I did not receive him to play favoritism,” Castillo explained about the meetings in which the manager of the state company, the lobbyist Karelim López and the businessman, who won two millionaire tenders, Samir Abudayeh, coincided.

“I asked him for a report on the problems that exist with Lot 5 and the problem of the jungle that we had with the indigenous brothers and other issues, such as, for example, to visit Lot I of Piura. Issues of bidding or negotiations were never discussed,” said the president.

LOOK: General manager of Petroperú is placed above the board

However, Chávez argued in a with the Magazine Caretas that the theme of their meetings revolved around addressing the price of domestic gas.

“’No more balloons of 10 kg at S/ 60 in a country that produces LPG,’ reads the document that Hugo Chávez Arévalo, general manager of Petroperú, has. As he says, his well-known meeting with the president “was to define his project to lower the price of bottled domestic gas for housewives.” According to Chávez, this week the emergency decree will come out to be able to go to the market with the announced Petrobolon Popular. “8 million families are going to be favored, it cannot be that we have more expensive gas than Ecuador, Chile and other countries,” the interview reads.


In Perú21TV, the lawyer Romy Chang analyzes the information sent by the head of the Sunat that confirms the veracity of the chats with Bruno Pacheco.

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