This Tuesday, the Bicameral Investigation Commission (CBI) summoned Horacio Cartes, former president of the Republic, to appear and answer questions about accusations against him for alleged acts of cigarette smuggling, money laundering and association with criminal groups.
Cartes was denounced by Arnaldo Giuzzio, when he was Minister of the Interior in February of this year for allegedly smuggling cigarettes using his tobacco company (Tabacalera del Este). He was also accused by René Fernández, minister of the National Anticorruption Secretariat (Senac), last May for committing alleged terrorist financing and association with said groups.
Jorge Querey, national senator for the Guasu Front and president of the CBI, stated that they still had no answers from the former president about whether he was going to participate in the call or not. The consultations will focus on the efforts in the institutions dedicated to money laundering when he was President of the Republic. In addition, they will make inquiries about the links it has with the tobacco industry and the situation that is generated regarding the illicit traffic that is denounced publicly and internationally.