Cartels, the most benefited
The kidnapping of migrants is not a new Phoenomen, but it is increasingly widespread for how lucrative it is for criminal organizations.
David Saucedo explains that all criminal organizations with presence on the northern border are dedicated, or are linked, to traffic and kidnapping of migrants.
“For 10 years organized crime groups, drug cartels operate in the northeastern country, such as the Northeast Cartel, the Gulf Cartel, the Taliban, all those who operate in that region are dedicated to traffic and kidnapping of migrants, “he says.
“They detected that migrants, at the time they are looking for the American dream, generate a small savings with which they move to the United States with which they pay the pollero that takes them to make the cross in the United States and that they even have a a reserve of resources to live in the United States as they find employment. ”
However, there are few reported cases. According to data from the Ministry of the Interior, although crimes against migrants are estimated in thousands, only 109 were taken over 2024.
Foreign people in an irregular situation reported to the immigration authority – without denunciation by means – 31 kidnappings, 24 cases of lawful traffic of migrants and 19 cases of human trafficking “for other purposes”, among others.
In 2009, a report by the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) calculated that around 1,600 migrants were kidnapped per month, or 18,000 a yearHowever, they practically did not file complaints due to their irregular immigration situation in Mexico.
“The frequency and magnitude of migrant kidnappings implies a criminal activity of enormous proportions, which represents high income to crime. According to the information obtained, the rescue amount requested to the victims, in general, from $ 1,500 to $ 5,000, ”said the Special report on migrants kidnapping .
Migrants are a gold mine for drug cartels that discovered that source of income. ”
David Saucedo, public security expert.
Saucedo underlines that in recent years, payments have exceeded $ 10,000, which in Mexican pesos exceed 200,000 for a single migrant.
“Much of the illegal crossing to the United States is executed by drug cartels. Some groups even charge them double, not only the cost of taking them to the United States and making the border crossing using the drug transfer route and the contact they already had with the authorities to be able to bring drugs to the United States, but also that They occurred to them that they could charge them an additional cost through kidnapping them, ”adds Saucedo.
Alberto Xicoténcatl Carrasco, director of Casa del Migrante de Saltillo, explains that, more frequently, migrants are victims of kidnapping of members of organized crime.
“The highest danger is the presence of organized crime, which continues to kidnap migrants, especially in Ciudad Juárez; In Durango there has also been an increase in kidnappings, and Tamaulipas, good, there since the last sexenios has not stopped the kidnapping of migrants. Organized crime groups or local bands operate migrants traffic, charge very high money figures and then leave them in abandonment to their fate, ”he says.
Migrant trafficking is an activity that criminal organizations are increasingly resorted to because it is a crime that is not denounced and when the authorities are used, the judicializations are minimal and the practically null sentences.
(Photo: Cuartoscuro.)
According to data from the Attorney General’s Office, of the total complaints of migrants traffic only in 25% an investigation opens.