October 6, 2022, 10:52 PM
October 6, 2022, 10:52 PM
Carolina Ribera Áñez met this Thursday with Peruvian politicsAy leader of Popular Force, Keiko Fujimoriduring his visit to Lima, in the framework of the 52nd General Assembly of the OAS, which Ribera takes advantage of to make known the situation of his mother, former Bolivian president Jeanine Áñez, and that of the “political prisoners in Bolivia.”
As he posted on his Twitter account, Ribera Áñez received a rosary from Fujimori’s hands, daughter of the former president of that country, Alberto Fujimori. “We will continue to fight for democracy and freedom so that no one ever goes through what our families are going through today,” the Bolivian wrote.
With the same photograph, Fujimori published: “My solidarity with the former president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez and with all his family. Democrats must raise our voices in protest against his arbitrary imprisonment and make it clear that justice cannot be used as a means of political revenge.”
Carolina Ribera and Keiko Fujimori trills about their meeting
Ribera Áñez has maintained meetings with politicians and human rights activists, these days when he is in Lima. One of them is the president of the Peruvian congress, Martha Moyano, who – also through Twitter – expressed her solidarity with Áñez.
Tamara Suju, director of the Casla Institute, who works for the defense of human rights in Latin America, was another of the people with whom Ribera met. In a video, Carolina can be seen with her and with Martha Beatriz Ferrer, the daughter of a Cuban activist who is against the Castro regime, José Daniel Ferrer, who denounces that he is a political prisoner.
The Casla Institute, with its campaign called Breaking ChainsRelease chainsin English, seeks personalities from around the world to sponsor a political prisoner. In the case of Jeanine Áñez, her godmother is the Vox deputy (Spain), Rocío Monasterio.
“The 52nd Assembly of the OAS begins and I am here to denounce human rights violations in Boliviathe political persecution and the judicial lynching that my mother, the former constitutional president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez, is experiencing,” Ribera tweeted on Wednesday the 5th.