In 2021, Jaime Bayly He wrote a column for Peru 21 entitled ‘I will ask you for a favor’ in which he recounts an apparent conversation with his mother, in which she tells him that The ‘Cardinal Cienfuegos’, important Peruvian cardinal and member of the Opus Deihe advised him to leave him without inheritance, that he wants nothing because he wrote horrible things about his person. Bayly, performs a chilling accusation of pederasty by that cardinal.
“I have written horrible things of him because he is a horrible man -Barclays is Crispa.” He is not a horrible man! “Dorita is angry.” He is a great man! He is a saint! And he is my friend of the whole Life! Bayly
“Why do you think they have sent him to Rome, mom? Why do you think he is isolated, incommunicado? Why do you think they have punished him? Dorita does not respond, he stays mute. His son continues: -I know the story .
Throughout the text, it is leaving small clues and data that, with the complaint presented today by the country, it would be confirmed that it was the Peruvian cardinal Juan Luis Cipriano, a member of the Opus Dei, accused of sexual abuse against a minor in the Year 1983 and that in 2019 he was exiled to Rome and forbidden to carry habits, cardinal symbols and make public statements.
Juan Luis Cipriani, member of Opus Dei, accused of sexual abuse
The complainant sent his letter in 2018, in which he said that his intention was not to seek revenge, but that his testimony was considered for future decisions regarding the bishop of Lima and Cardinal of Peru. In his statement, he requested that a shepherd be departed from the Church who, according to him, had caused him to harm him and did not deserve the privileges obtained over the years.
Opus Dei was aware of the letter and initiated actions to stop the process. The victim claimed to have been harassed by relatives and relatives linked to said religious community. The newspaper El País accessed WhatsApp messages in which it is revealed that a Peruvian bishop communicated with the victim to propose the joint writing of a letter in which the facts previously denounced. In addition, he received threats related to the possibility of exposing his identity in the press and the presentation of legal actions against him.
In 1983, the complainant faced academic difficulties and, being a father’s orphan, his mother sent him to Opus Dei to receive support in his studies. During that time, Cipriani became his confessor, with meetings that were held in a room in person. As reported, the sessions were prolonged until reaching 45 minutes, becoming a traumatic experience. The victim argues that Cipriani sent him to call frequently.
“I confessed with him weekly or every two weeks for more than a year. They were very hard confessions in which I severely rebuked my academic and behavior failures. Sometimes, I felt so bad that I was crying. During the confessions, during the confessions, I knelt in front of him, among his legs. diver and touched my buttocks, squeezing them while saying: ‘those hams’ “.
In his letter, the complainant reports that Cipriani kissed him, hugged him and pressed him against his body, making his genitals collide with his chest. When the kisses approached the corner of his lips, he rejected it, thus marking the end of the confessions.
He states that he informed the situation of trusted adults within Opus Dei, who contacted him days later to meet with the vicar general – today deceased – and other priests. In this meeting, they asked him not to talk about what happened, arguing that Cipriani considered that, being orphan and having problems, he had misunderstood the facts. Some time later, he met with Cipriani hoping to receive an apology; However, according to his testimony, the bishop manipulated the situation to make him feel guilty and even insult him.