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November 8, 2022
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Carballo on the Social Security Reform: “This bill is an aberration”

Carballo on the Social Security Reform: "This bill is an aberration"

Felipe Carballo: “This social security reform project that the government is proposing, makes the workers responsible and forces them to pay for the reform; once again this government and President Luis Lacalle have been consistent with that policy in which the entire crisis permanently makes the workers pay”.

For the Broad Front, the most regressive articles, according to Carballo to EL ECO, are those related to the increase in the years to be able to retire, which means, in his opinion, “working more to earn less, not only that the amount of years of work, but also lower replacement rates,” he stated.

Along these same lines, he highlights that, “currently the law says that a person can retire at 60 years old, but the average tells us something else, that people are retiring at 64 years old because they want to carry a little more weight when they retire. By increasing and changing the rules of the game for all those under 50 years of age according to this bill, it will force them to work more years to earn less. Many of the workers who are retiring at the age of 64, which would be the average, with this change they will be forced to work until they are 70 years old, not changing the rules of the game, another obviously unfulfilled promise, where clearly the government and the president of the republic particularly lies to the citizens”, describes the legislator.

“We do not want a country where we have 70-year-old bus drivers, we do not want a country where we have nurses in hospitals struggling with 70-year-old patients, I think this bill sent by the Executive Power is an aberration , because it directly harms the workers and it is a bill prepared behind the backs of the organizations and today what is intended to be done at the parliament level is to give it prior treatment. I understand that all the conditions have to be created to give an in-depth discussion and that it takes as long as it has to take, but the discussion must be in-depth and where all the social organizations have the opportunity to give their point. of view, a reform of this magnitude has to be carried out or analyzed with the opinion of all and all and having a deep political dialogue”.

For Carballo, the steps that the Broad Front is taking are important, “within its strategy is to tour the country, talking with the Frente Amplio comrades, tour all the base committees, giving information, elements in relation to this, because The Broad Front also, as a political force and beyond the statement issued and beyond the opinion of the political table, is going to consult one of its highest political leadership bodies, such as the National Plenary. Then it will be the National Plenary that will have that responsibility and part of that discussion will, in my opinion, not only mark the position of the political force, but will surely have to mandate the legislators.

It also highlights that the Broad Front has made great progress by stating that in general terms this bill should not be voted on. “And I in particular add that we should not vote for a single article either because, as I already said, this project is an aberration that is obviously going to harm each and every worker in this country.”

In another order of topics, we also talked with the legislator about his political sector within the Broad Front, Compromiso 711, which highlights that he is developing his political work throughout the country, and that “he is in a stage of rebirth throughout Uruguay, flourishing throughout the country where we have already had the incorporation of many new colleagues and fundamentally young people who identify the proposals that Commitment 711 has been promoting in the different areas, these are linked to the issue of the environment, the culture, internal indebtedness. To be generating from the political point of view also a regime of horizontality, of internal democracy, of permanent formation, and I believe that this has been one of the important instruments, without neglecting the work of closeness that we have been developing”, synthesizes Carballo.

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