Georgina Saldierna
Newspaper La Jornada
Sunday April 3, 2022, p. 4
Today the electoral campaigns start in the states of Aguascalientes, Durango, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo and Tamaulipas, where on June 5 the governorships will be renewed and in some entities also deputations and city councils.
The parties of the Va por México coalition (PAN, PRI and PRD) were convinced of being able to win the governorships in dispute, since they assured that the electoral preferences in their favor have been growing.
In return, Morena insisted that at least five of the six governments will win, while the national leadership has called for internal unity, as conflicts persist over the appointment of candidates, as in the case of Oaxaca.
Marko Cortés, leader of the PAN, recently pointed out that his party already looks very competitive, after assuming at the end of last year that Acción Nacional only had a chance of winning Aguascalientes.
We are growing in all the states in contention, in several of them we are already clearly and constantly at the top in electoral preference and this tells us that for Morena and her allied parties the election is no longer going to be a walk in the park.
In the 2022 elections there will be a clear shot, as in those of 2023, he said, emphasizing that he is preparing the ground to win the Presidency in 2024.
Contrary to Cortés’s optimism, the PAN faces internal problems that could make it less competitive, such as the departure of militants. For this reason, in Sinaloa the bench was dissolved blue and whitewhile in Tamaulipas five PAN councilors preferred to join Morena.
The leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, has highlighted for his part that the coalition has possibilities of winning the six governorships taking into account the possibilities of growth that the three coalition parties have.
Mario Delgado has also been optimistic about the electoral results they will have this year. He has even pointed out that they are going to take away from the PRI two of the four governorships it has (Oaxaca and Hidalgo) and in 2023 they will take away the two that would remain (the state of Mexico and Coahuila), so that it would reach the presidential elections of 2024 without any state government.
However, Delgado faces severe internal problems for the appointment of candidates, he has even received boos in some states.