Home Central americaPanama Camacho declines as candidate for the Presidency of the National Assembly

Camacho declines as candidate for the Presidency of the National Assembly

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The deputy elected by the Realizing Goals party, Luis Eduardo Camacho, reported through his social networks that he will request a meeting of the elected deputies of the bench to choose a new candidate for the presidency of the National Assembly for next July 1 when it begins. the new legislative period.

“I have made the decision to allow the bench of Elected Deputies of Realizing Goals (RM) to elect a new candidate for the Presidency of the Assembly,” Camacho wrote.

I also indicate that «By virtue of this, I will request the Head of the bench to convene it for that purpose; I will also communicate my decision to the President of the Party. Camacho spent several weeks seeking consensus among the elected deputies to get the votes for the presidency of the Assembly, however, this Monday he makes this decision that changes the panorama for July 1.

The Vamos bench has not yet announced its candidate for the Presidency of the Assembly, while Ariel Vallarino from Realando Metas has been mentioned in recent days as a possible candidate.

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