Workers in Pompéu (MG) and Santa Inês (BA) will be able to withdraw, as of tomorrow (23), the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) in case of calamity. The municipalities have been affected by heavy floods recently.
Each worker affected by the floods will be able to withdraw up to R$ 6,220. Only residents of addresses informed by the Civil Defense of the municipalities to Caixa Econômica Federal will be able to withdraw the FGTS.
Withdrawal can be requested through the FGTS application until April 14, in the case of Pompéu, and March 28, in the case of Santa Inês. The worker just needs to open the application and choose the option “Meus Saques”, without the need to go to an agency. The documents – photo of identity document and proof of residence in the name of the worker up to 120 days before the disaster – can be sent through the application itself.
If the proof of residence is in the name of the spouse, it will also be necessary to send a marriage certificate or public deed of stable union. The document can also be included in the application.
When requesting the withdrawal, the worker can indicate the credit in a Caixa account or any other bank to receive the values, at no cost. The deadline for returning the analysis and crediting the account, if the withdrawal is approved, is five working days.
More information can be obtained online. or via contacting Caixa at 0800-726-0207.
So far, Caixa has authorized the early withdrawal of the FGTS for 54 municipalities in Bahia, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro affected by the rains in recent months.
In Bahia, the measure is valid for residents of Canavieiras, Coaraci, Eunápolis, Floresta Azul, Gandu, Ibicaraí, Ibicuí, Ilhéus, Itabela, Itabuna, Itajuípe, Itamaraju, Itapé, Itapetinga, Itapitanga, Itororó, Jaguaquara, Jequié, Jiquiriçá, Medeiros Neto, Mundo Novo, Prado, Porto Seguro, Santa Inês, Teixeira de Freitas, Teolândia, Ubaíra, Ubaitaba, Vitória da Conquista and Wenceslau Guimarães.
In Minas Gerais, residents of Águas Formosas, Almenara, Cláudio, Dores do Indaiá, Governador Valadares, Igarapé, Itabirito, Juatuba, Machacalis, Mário Campos, Mateus Leme, Nova Lima, Onça de Pitangui, Poço Fundo, Pompéu, Raposos, Rio Above, Rio Manso, Sabará, Santo Antônio do Monte and São Joaquim de Bicas can withdraw the money.
In Rio de Janeiro, the inhabitants of Italva, Natividade and Petrópolis were benefited.