Caixa Econômica Federal announced today (10) the anticipation of the offer of resources to finance agricultural activities in the second half of the 2021/2022 harvest, the so-called summer harvest, which runs from February to June. The initiative was announced by the president of the state bank, Pedro Guimarães.
Also today, the Brazilian Financial Cooperative System (Sicoob) announced that it will provide another R$ 4 billion to the approximately 6 million cooperative rural producers. With this, the entity expects to reach a total of R$ 25 billion in rural credit granted throughout the 21/22 harvest, which began in July last year. The money can be used to purchase productive inputs, benefiting mainly the planting of soy, coffee, cotton, corn, sugar cane and rice.
Caixa, on the other hand, did not inform the total amount that it will make available to rural producers until the end of this semester, but guaranteed that there will be enough money to help pay for crops and agribusiness, allowing producers to buy the necessary inputs for planting.
Caixa’s operations include three different rural credit lines: one for small rural producers included in the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf), with interest rates starting at 3% per year; the other focused on the National Support Program for Medium Rural Producers (Pronampe), with a rate of 4.5%, and 6.5% for other contracts.
According to the president of Caixa, Pedro Guimarães, the announcement of the credit offer was brought forward by at least 20 days, due to demand from the productive sector. “As far as we know, there is a relative scarcity of funding for agribusiness. Because of this, because of the demand, because of the conversations we had with several customers, we are now launching [a linha de custeio antecipado] that we planned to release in late February.”
Caixa also announced the creation of a new rural financing line, with resources from savings accounts and interest rates of 9.5% per year, without charging the reference rate (TR). According to Guimarães, the so-called Funding Poupança will offer rural producers attractive interest rates without impacting the real estate credit that the bank already makes available by moving savings resources.
“We will maintain both the real estate expansion and the [a presença do banco] in agribusiness. This will help rural producers a lot, because it is a new line […] with interest rates from 9.5%, without the TR, to pay for the purchase of machines, energy systems, irrigation, commercialization, industrialization in a series of segments”, stated Guimarães.