Caixa and the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae) today (17) presented a new joint initiative to encourage female entrepreneurship. The Caixa Pra Elas Empreendedoras action is part of the Caixa Pra Elas program, implemented in early August to provide women with guidance on financial education, entrepreneurship and on how to prevent gender-based violence.
According to the bank’s president, Daniella Marques, the proposal is to offer training and facilitated credit for women to regularize an informal economic activity they already perform and for those who dream of starting their own business. “We will support the realization of this dream. And the first step is the formalization [da atividade]”, said Daniella, at the press conference in which she presented details of the initiative.
According to Daniella, until November 19, World Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, Caixa will provide R$ 1 billion in credit for women who want to register as individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs).
To access credit, both those who do not yet undertake and those who are already in the MEI condition and need support to increase their business, will be sent a proposal for training courses carried out for free and remotely (online) by Sebrae.
To meet the specific needs of interested parties, Caixa will offer three different lines of credit, with products and solutions aimed at different investment needs. “We want to offer opportunities to these women because, many times, they have the will, but they don’t have the resources to open a business; to take a course and qualify or to buy goods”, added Daniella. Research by the bank itself reveals that the majority of female entrepreneurs targeted by the initiative need access to credit to purchase goods and services to improve their business. “It’s the popcorn seller, who wants to change the tire of the cart, the person who wants to buy a bicycle to make deliveries”, said the president of Caixa.
All information for accessing Caixa Para Elas Empreendedoras is available on the page from the bank.