The government spokesperson minister, Jaime Bellolireferred to the Cabinet Council convened today by the President, Sebastian Pinerawhere various topics were addressed such as the pandemic, crisis in the northern macrozone, La Araucanía, drought, Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU), job creation and the transfer of command.
“We have been focused on permanent and consistent work and, for this reason, today we already have this Cabinet Council that plans the agenda for the next 25 days until the republican and official delivery of President Piñera’s mandate,” stressed the secretary of Condition.
Likewise, he emphasized that “there is no doubt, that we are going to continue working, as we have done until now, always, putting people’s priorities and until the last minute.”
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The government authority also reinforced that they discussed the situation in La Araucanía, the violence, and especially the fires that have been registered in recent weeks, where there has been more than 80% intentionality.
On the other hand, he stressed that “very relevant” progress has been made in terms of drought, with campaigns and reinforcement of infrastructure.
In addition, the transfer of command was addressed, which will begin on Monday, February 21, with the authorities appointed by the President-elect, Gabriel Boricbeginning those meetings the Minister of the Interior.
“We have been working for months on a delivery process that is absolutely transparent, which will also be available to the public, so that each minister and undersecretary are very clear about what everything is or what was done and what is pending and there is continuity. in many matters that will be up to them”, Bellolio reaffirmed, informing that there will be balances and public accounts of the various Ministries.