The Permanent Commission on Energy and Petroleum of the National Assembly announced that it is beginning the process of debate and discussion throughout the country of the Draft Law on Renewable and Alternative Energies, with the participation of the legislator.
The information was offered by the president of the commission, Ángel Rodríguez, who explained that “in the drafting of the project, a business table, a ministerial table and a technical table were installed in which universities and scientific and educational institutions linked to the sector and at the moment the revision of the articles is being developed in order to make the corrections that may be necessary”.
He indicated that a maximum of 16 consultations are estimated with the purpose of adopting the use of renewable and alternative energies. “The generation of alternative energies implies saving water, fossil fuels, less environmental pollution and a more comfortable national electrical system.”
The legal text consists of 33 articles and 7 titles.
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