The perception that Paraguay has at this time is that we do not have a State concerned about the people.
Our administrators are focusing time and energy on electoral issues, while people are dying and being killed in the streets. Theft levels have increased remarkably, and inflation ends up eating up people’s income.
There are several issues about which we do not hear our President speak, and the Minister of Finance gave the words that excite people with the possibility of getting out of this circumstance; Quite the contrary, the silence, the muteness of the Government shows us that their priorities in this complex and delicate year 2022 are not centered -at all- on the people.
The question is reduced to the internal ones of the parties in December of this year, and the general ones of April of the next year. Meanwhile it seems that the cry is “every man for himself and how he can”.
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The entrance busy in the campaign was first published in The Independent.