Bus fares in Rio de Janeiro will rise from R$4.30 to R$4.70 starting next Sunday (5). Authorization for the adjustment was published in the Official Gazette of the municipality this Thursday (2), in a decree signed by Mayor Eduardo Paes.
The increase of R$0.40 is equivalent to monetary correction according to the Broad National Consumer Price Index – IPCA – considered the country’s official inflation – referring to the two years in which the tariff remained without adjustment. The last one was in January 2023.
In addition to municipal buses, which includes the BRT (acronym for bus rapid transitexpress bus system on exclusive routes), the new value will also be valid for so-called little goatstransport in communities using vans and kombis, and light rail vehicles (VLT).
In Rio, the city hall subsidizes part of the cost of bus tickets, that is, the concessionaires receive more than R$4.70 per passenger. One of the compensations is that companies maintain a specific percentage of the fleet in circulation and vehicles in good condition and with working air conditioning.
THE Official Gazette It also brings a resolution from the Municipal Transport Department that authorizes the readjustment of taxi fares, which comes into effect this Thursday.
The initial price increases from R$6.10 to R$6.20. The fare per kilometer goes from R$3.35 to R$3.65, from 6am to 9pm, on weekdays and Saturday.
Flag two – practiced from 9pm to 6am from Monday to Saturday and throughout Sunday and on holidays – will rise from R$4.02 to R$4.38.