Bricomiles dejaron limpios y seguros planteles para recibir a niños, niñas y jóvenes de la Patria

Bricomiles left clean and safe schools to receive boys, girls and young people from the Homeland

«Thanks to the work of the Military Community Brigades (Bricomiles) The country’s schools are clean, safe and comfortable to receive the children and young people who return to the classroom on January 9,” the Ministry of Popular Power for Education reported on Monday through its account. Twitter @MPPEDUCATION.

In this sense, the educational portfolio highlighted that “the schools They will receive the enthusiastic and committed youth to start the second pedagogical moment of the 2022 – 2023 school year.”

Earlier, from the Escuela Bernardo O`Higgins educational center in the San José parish, the sectoral vice president for Science, Technology, Education and Health, Gabriela Jiménez Ramírez, valued the work of the Bricomiles in improving the infrastructure of schools and high schools from the country.

He said that the Bricomiles “recovered the schools, the infrastructure, which is part of the architecture and heritage.”

For her part, the Minister of People’s Power for Education Yelitze Santaella stated on her Twitter account that “with enthusiasm and great faith in God, we start this week of work and opportunities to continue advancing in the construction of education for the future ».



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