The senator elected by Colorado Party, Pedro Bordaberryhas faced internal criticism after visiting to have a meeting with the president-elect Yamandu Orsi. Bordaberry, who belongs to the Vamos Uruguay group, responded to these accusations, indicating that the idea of opposing everything if not in the government is a misconception. The event has sparked a debate about the political strategy within the party and the different positions found.
In a column published in the newspaper El País, Bordaberry emphasized that his sector is not willing to ask permission to hold meetings with other political actors. The legislator’s position shows his determination to work together, without leaving aside the independence of his sector. “We were never about asking for permission to meet with whoever we wanted,” held.
Difficulties in internal dialogue
Criticisms such as those of Robert Silva, another elected senator from the Colorado Party, show the internal divisions that have manifested. Silva argued that the meeting with Orsi represents a weakening of the party. On the other hand, Bordaberry has responded to such opinions with irony, alluding to “lovers of doing the ironing”, which suggests a disdain towards those who criticize his approach.
Bordaberry’s critics include Robert Silvaanother elected senator from the Colorado Party, who expressed that the meeting with Orsi could result in a weakening of the party. This type of demonstration reveals the internal tensions within the group, where the different sectors present divergent visions about the strategy to follow. “That seems to not have gone down well with some lovers of doing the plank,” he noted and criticized that there are those who “think that if one is not in the government one should oppose everything.”
“There are also those who get angry if we engage in dialogue with colleagues in the Republican Coalition or with the president-elect and his team. It’s better not to answer those. They seem not to follow Ortega y Gasset’s advice to writers,” he added.
The defense of party leaders
Senator Tabaré Viera has come to Bordaberry’s defense, insisting that the meeting with Orsi did not have a negative effect on the party’s structure. Viera emphasized that the Colorado Party operates through its sectors with absolute independence. His position highlights the possibility of political interactions being seen as a sign of openness, in contrast to the criticism expressed by some of his colleagues.
During an interview, Viera clarified that the purpose of the meeting with Orsi was to present himself as a sector willing to dialogue, establishing the opposition position that the party maintains. This contrasts with the reactions of those who consider that the rapprochement could be interpreted as a lack of firmness towards the new government.
Where is Andrés Ojeda?
The former Colorado presidential candidate, Andres Ojedahas been overshadowed by Bordaberry, an old political wolf who knows all the ins and outs of both Parliament and the Executive Branch, having been a senator as a minister.
Ojeda, a political novice, He is unable to obtain the right to the apartment and has become, at times, a secondary character in the film.but which some sectors try to raise so that it has more profile.
At the meeting between Bordaberry and elected legislators with Orsi, Ojeda was not there and, in the same sense that the PC leadership was not consulted, neither was they consulted with the lawyer and former candidate.
The PC is also now reflecting, licking its wounds, on the migration of votes to the Frente Amplio: Viera observed that some voters who abandoned the coalition come from various political currents, which indicates a fragmented and changing electoral landscape.