Those businessmen in Chili Those looking to obtain essential financial help for their ventures have to wait with bated breath. To promote the creation of formal companies in the country, the Technical Cooperation Service, Sercotec, has made available a bonus of up to $3,500,000. However, time is running out quickly, and the deadline to apply ends on May 17.
Who can get this bond valuable? The answer is simple: those that meet only four fundamental requirements. First, you must be over 18 years old. Second, candidates must not have begun their activities in first category before the Internal Revenue Service. Third, it is essential not to accumulate labor, pension or tax debts. Finally, candidates cannot be registered in the National Registry of Food Pension Debtors.
This bond It is running out quickly. The good news is that those who meet the above requirements still have time. Applications are available until May 17, leaving limited but reasonable room for those who want to advance their business.
In addition to the requirements of bond, it is essential to understand the application process. The process is carried out through the Sercotec website, where interested parties must register as a user, download the bases and complete the application form. However, submitting an introduction video along with the required documents is a crucial part of the process, ensuring that it meets the required formats and content.
Sercotec has 23 Mipe Points throughout the country that provide free guidance both in person and by telephone, as well as through the website, in case of doubts or questions. This bond of $3,500,000 can be the ideal catalyst for the growth of businesses in Chile if it receives adequate support and meets the requirements.