August 28, 2022, 10:56 PM
August 28, 2022, 10:56 PM
The record of Covid-19 throughout Bolivia reached 394 cases this Sunday, the lowest figure in recent weeks. The de-escalation coincides with the most relaxed biosecurity measures in several centers, except in schools.
La Paz was the department that registered the most cases with 205 positives, Santa Cruz 123, Cochabamba 34, Chuquisaca 13, Oruro 10, Tarija four, Potosí three, Pando two and Beni zero.
In this way, the country reached 394 positive cases and a global of 1,100,112 cases in the 29 months of the pandemic. Likewise, a deceased person was registered and the global sum reaches 22,195 deaths.
In the case of the recovered, it reached 1,101 people throughout the country and Santa Cruz was the department with the highest number of patients who overcame the disease, 414 in totalCochabamba 363, La Paz 186, the Amazonian Pando recorded 65 recoveries, Chuquisaca and Potosí scored 25 recoveries each, Oruro nine and Beni with eight recoveries closed the table for this day.