This Thursday The Ministry of Health reported 686 positive cases of Covid-19 throughout the country and in this way an average of 697 daily cases was preserved, when Bolivia is preparing to enter the Carnival festivities after two years of restrictions.
From Monday this week, the number of cases remained below 700. Thus, on Monday there were 673 people who tested positive for coronavirus, on Tuesday 692, on Wednesday there was a rebound with 739 and this Thursday it reached 686, which left the average of 697 patients with coronavirus.
Santa Cruz continues to be the most affected department with 436 cases, La Paz 104, Cochabamba 59, Chuquisaca 26, Potosí 24, Beni 12, Oruro and Tarija 11 each, and Pando, which is also the department least affected by the pandemic, registered three cases.
With those numbers, Bolivia already has 892,537 patients who were diagnosed with Covid-19 in the 23 months of the pandemic; of that global figure, 21,414 lost their lives and 784,681 patients managed to defeat the virus, the balance of 86,442 are the cases that are still active.
In the last weeks, the number of recoveries far exceeds that of new cases, this Thursday that group reached 1,860 people who overcame Covid-19. Santa Cruz also has the best figures, 779 this Thursday; 547 in Tarija, 333 in La Paz, 94 in Potosí, 38 in Chuquisaca, 30 in Pando, 29 in Cochabamba, 10 in Oruro and closed Beni, which did not register recovered patients.