The Council of Bogotá and the Mayor’s Office were on a tour of the largest and largest town in the city.
The mayor of Bogotá, Carlos Fernando Galán, said that by 2026 The new developing transport system would be ready, called Transmarura. This project sought to improve connectivity with the most remote rural areas of the city, especially in the Sumapaz region, where the plenary session of the Council was held.
In addition, the mayor addressed the security situation in the town, clarifying that operations were established to control the attacks suffered by the community. He also requested support from the National Government to Solve the gas crisis in the city and guarantee the continuity of the service.
During the plenary session of the Council of Bogotá in Sumapaz, Mayor Galán reaffirmed his commitment to the community. From the beginning of his administration, he worked together with the inhabitants of the town, promoting development and meeting their needs.
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“In the last two sessions, 140 commitments were established, of which 69 have already been fulfilled. Among the priorities identified were the repair of victims of the conflict, the improvement of connectivity, the rehabilitation of tertiary roads and The expansion of medical care coverage on all paths, “he said.
In the field of housing, it was announced that for this year the improvement of 500 homes in the town would be completed. As for mobility, the royalty project would allow the intervention of 33 kilometers of tertiary roads, including the Bolivarian trunk, particularly between the sectors of Vegas and Chorreras.
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Additionally, the operation of the Cotransfusa company would be reinforced to strengthen routes and tours, in addition to the development of the transmurural system. In the health sector, the town has the health center, basic extramural home teams and the allocation of two ambulances for community care.
In the environmental issue, the district works with the green climate background to ensure the protection of water and strategic areas such as Chingaza, Sumapaz and the Tunjuelo River corridor. Likewise, together with the Ministry of Environment and National Parks, it seeks to guarantee the permanence of the peasantry and address land use problems.
Source: Integrated information system