In the city of Santiago, public transport is made up of the Santiago Metro and the Mobility Network, which are used by thousands of citizens on a daily basis. In order to use these means of transport, it is necessary to have the famous Beep! Cardwhich must be loaded and then passed through the validators when entering the subway or boarding a bus.
It is important to remember that not paying the ticket can result in a fine ranging between 1 and 1.5 UTM (approximately $62,000 and $93,000 pesos respectively). Fortunately, there are two options for carry your card Beep! remotely, without the need to go to a Bip Center! or a subway station.
The first option is through the website of Beep! Card, where you can also plan your trips and check current rates. The other option is the Red Metropolitana application, which does not require a physical card, since it will generate a QR code on your phone to pay for the ticket. This application, available for free on Google Play and the App Store, will allow you to get around paying a single ticket for 120 minutes, using fare integration.
If you wish carry your card Beep! or pay using the QR code in the Red Metropolitana application, the steps to follow are detailed below. To load the physical card, you must enter the Bip Card website! and select the “Online Load” option. Then, you can make the payment through Movired or Pago Ya!, and you will be redirected to WebPay, where you must enter your card number and make the payment with your corresponding card. It is important to note that after loading your card using this method, you will need to approach a Beep! to validate it.
Regarding payment with the QR code, you must first download the Red Metropolitana application on your phone and generate your bip!QR account using your unique Civil Registry code (this code will be requested only once). Then, within the application, select the option “Carry Card” to load. In this step, you must enter the required data. Finally, press “Generate QR ticket” to obtain your code, which you can use to validate your tickets on buses, subways, and MetroTren Nos. You just have to zoom in your phone with the bip!QR code to the QR validators located in the mentioned means of transport.