Home Central americaNicaragua Berta Valle denies photos that the dictatorship presented of Félix Maradiaga

Berta Valle denies photos that the dictatorship presented of Félix Maradiaga

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Berta Valle denies photos that the dictatorship presented of Félix Maradiaga

The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo presented the political scientist Félix Maradiaga to the media of his family this Saturday, July 2, at the Central Judicial Complex of Managua.

The political prisoner has been in prison for more than a year and a digital spoken portrait presented a day earlier by his wife, Berta Valle, revealed the deterioration of Félix Maradiaga’s physical health. The photos disclosed by the propagandists verify the fidelity of the digital portrait of the opponent.

Related news: Opponents: “Let El Chipote be opened to verify the state of Maradiaga!”

“This Saturday, July 2, at the Managua Judicial Complex, the sentencing sentence was read against the criminal Félix Alejandro Maradiaga Blandón, who is sentenced to 13 years in prison for the crime of undermining integrity. to the detriment of the State of Nicaragua and Nicaraguan society,” published the official page RD Comunicadores.

“This sentence from the Managua Court of Appeals confirms the conviction that a criminal district judge had imposed on him,” they add.

deny the regime

Valle, also politically persecuted, in a video published just minutes after the photographs were released, assured that these photographs do not correspond to this Saturday nor do they reflect the reality that her husband is facing.

“That photo is not from today, it does not reflect the current reality of my husband and for that reason I demand to see him, that they allow the International Red Cross or any human rights organization to see him,” Valle refuted.

In addition, he said that “what we have been able to corroborate with my family and the defenders of Félix (Maradiaga) is that this photo was taken more than six months ago. It could have been taken at the time of the trial, in February, or much earlier.

Felix Maradiaga has lost more than 60 pounds in weight. He is subjected to solitary confinement, poor nutrition, few minutes of sun and under torture at all hours of the day, his wife Berta Valle denounced yesterday at a press conference.

After more than a year in prison, Maradiaga has lost weight, the color of his skin has changed, to the point of looking yellowish; and he too has lost hair. A spoken portrait of the political prisoner shows him emaciated.

Maradiaga began a hunger strike and has been on this demand for several days for the cessation of isolation, solitary confinement and the inhumane conditions in which he is locked up.

“He is in a desperate situation that made the decision to strike. He would take the risks. The incommunicado situation is unsustainable. It demands an end to solitary confinement, confinement,” Valle said.

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