benji espinozaattorney to the first lady Lilia Paredesdenied that his client had met with the businessman Hugo Espinodespite the fact that a meeting between the two appears in the Government Palace visit log on August 8, 2021.
In a conversation with RPP, he explained that although there was a visit by the legal representative of the company JJM Espino Engineering & Construction SAC to Paredes’ office last year, this entry does not necessarily imply that the meeting took place.
“Not all visits necessarily mean that the person visited gets to talk to that person, but without advancing the points that have been the subject of the interrogation and the testimony of the first lady, I must tell you that this is a point addressed in the statement “said the lawyer.
“[InthatmeetingthatisregisteredinthePalaceyouneversawhim?didn’ttheytalk?ThefirstladyhasnotmetandthatistheonlythingIcantellyouabout[¿EnesareuniónqueestáregistradaenPalacionuncalovio?¿noconversaron?Laprimeradamanosehareunidoyesloúnicoquetepuedodetallar because it is a fairly generic data, because otherwise you invite me to violate the law that establishes the reserve. The explanations have been given to the Prosecutor’s Office in the tax file, within the framework of an investigation “, he added.
Interrogation before the Prosecutor’s Office
Espinoza indicated that during the interrogation of Paredes before the Public Ministry, he was consulted about the video revealed by the Fourth Power in which his sister, Yenifer Paredes, is seen together with the manager of the company JJM Espino Engineering & Construction SAC, Huho Espino, while coordinates the execution of a sanitation work. In the filming, she wears a vest with the name and achievement of this company that is a supplier to the State.
However, the lawyer excused himself from revealing the content of his client’s responses, alleging that it is a reserved investigation.