As of this August 9, the due dates to declare income for the taxable year 2021. Until October 19, the term to present this tax obligation will be open.
(Read: How to verify the validity of the Soat to avoid fines).
To carry out this process, you must take into account the last digit of the identification document. With this, you must check the date on which you must file the declaration.
Today, the documents ending in 01 and 02 will be the ones who must carry out this procedure. On August 10, those ending in 03 and 04 will do so, and so on until August 31, when those ending in 31 and 32 must do so. In September, it will be the turn of those whose NIT ends between 33 and 76, using the same methodology. two terminations per day. Finally, in October it will be the time for those with documents between 77 and 99 (counting 00).
It is worth remembering that the people who must advance this process are those who have a gross estate greater than $163.38 million, or gross income equal to or greater than $50.83 million.
(Keep reading: Option to find advice during income statement season).
It will also apply to people who register consumption with credit cards greater than $50.83 million.
However, the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (Dian) reiterated that declaring does not mean that it will be paid, since a series of deductions are made, for example, if you have a mortgage loan.