The bhd bank reported that he received the Great Effie in the third installment of the awards Effie Dominican Republic for its “Hidden Violence” campaign.
According to a note from the entity, this campaign responds to its gender strategy and transmits a preventive message about financial violence.
José Enrique Sanoja, Vice President of Marketing and Advertising of bhd bank, commented that “our advertising communication is designed not only to convey the essence of BHD’s philosophical thinking and its common purpose, we also seek to promote positive change in our society. We thank the Effie Awards Dominican Republic and the jury of the award for this distinction, also the ADECC for its commitment to promoting the communication industry in the country, our agency Publicis, for accompanying us in the creation of these campaigns, and, above all, to those who choose us as their bank because they inspire each one of our efforts as an organization”.
Sanoja and Luis Lembert, Executive Vice President of Personal and Business Banking at the bank, received the award, together with Raysa Conde, Second Vice President of Marketing and Advertising; Letizia Cantarella, Alliance Marketing Manager, and Julio de los Santos, Digital Marketing Manager, among other members of the Marketing and Advertising of the BHD who were present.
The note highlights other awards and nominations that the campaign has received such as the Bronze level in the category Positive Impact – Social Good (Brands), Silver in Social media and gold in Engaged Community.
The awards Effie República Dominicana were celebrated during a gala organized by the Dominican Association of Commercial Communication Companies (ADECC). The awards Effie has been in existence for over 50 years and was established to recognize the effectiveness of marketing strategies and advertising. This award is established in 125 markets worldwide.