For this reason, the bench of deputies of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), headed by PRI Rubén Moreira, asked to urgently continue the legislative process and prohibit the operation of this type of coal mining centers.
According to the point of agreement proposal that will be presented to the Permanent Commission, the extraction of coal via wells, caves and vertical shafts “uses artisanal or rudimentary processes and techniques, which from 2006 to 2021 have claimed the lives of 72 miners ” .
The PRI explained that in order to avoid events like the one in Sabinas, Coahuila, where 10 miners have been trapped in a coal pit for 13 days, it is necessary to “solve this historic problem once and for all.”
The PAN, PRI, PT and Morena stopped the reform
The proposal to reform articles 343-A, 343-C, 343-D and 343-E of the Federal Labor Law to prohibit work in vertical shafts for coal extraction was promoted by federal deputies from the PRI and the Action Party National (PAN) in 2012.
On April 11, 2013, it was endorsed by the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies almost unanimously, and there were only three abstentions. It was not approved by then-deputy Ricardo Monreal Ávila, who was a legislator for Movimiento Ciudadano, nor were two former deputies from the Labor Party (PT), Jaime Bonilla and Manuel Huerta.
In 2015, Javier Lozano Alarcón, who was a senator for the PAN, proposed an increase from six to nine years in prison and a fine of up to 10,000 times the minimum wage in the event that the death of workers is recorded in this type and it is verified that the place of work will not have the licenses, permits and authorizations due to omission of security measures.