The start of the school year is scheduled for Wednesday, March 2, attendance at face-to-face classes will be mandatory and, considering this requirement, some municipalities have announced that the use of the school uniform will be made more flexible for students who attend public establishments, taking considering the pandemic.
Several municipalities throughout Chile – including Quilicura, San Fernando and Cañete – have confirmed that this year they will not force their students to wear a school uniform. Gustavo Alessandri, mayor of Zapallar and president of the Association of Municipalities of Chile (Amuch), told Cooperative A few days ago this decision was made by each mayor’s office, but he stressed that “the fairest thing would be for it to be without a mandatory uniform.”
From the Ministry of Education, meanwhile, they made a call to make this requirement more flexible and stressed that in no case can the entry or stay of a student be prohibited for not complying with the uniform.
The head(s) of Education, Jorge Poblete, explained today, according to slogan emmolthat “the current regulations already contemplate as flexibility that it is each educational community that decides on the relevance of wearing a uniform, depending on its context and the agreement between the students, teachers, parents and the management team of each establishment”.
The Mineduc authority also recalled that “in those cases in which the use of a uniform is determined, it has always emerged as a measure of equity and in order to avoid discrimination within the educational community.”
The minister(s) stressed that “given the context of the pandemic in which we find ourselves, we call on establishments to make these obligations more flexible when cases warrant it.”