B3 is holding today (27), at 2 pm, in the capital of São Paulo, the auction of two PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships) for sanitary sewage, covering 24 municipalities served by Companhia de Água e Esgoto do Ceará (Cagece). The provision of sanitary sewage service and accessory services in the urban area of these municipalities, in the metropolitan regions of Fortaleza and Cariri, will be tendered.
The selection criterion will be the offer with the lowest sum of considerations over the 30 years of the concession. Investments are estimated at R$ 6.2 billion, of which R$ 2.8 billion in the first five years. The supply of treated water will remain under the responsibility of Cagece
The region served by the PPP covers 24 municipalities, with a population of around 4.3 million people, of which 60% are covered by sewage services. The expectation is that the collection and treatment service will reach 95% of the population of each municipality, with the concession incorporating approximately 1.6 million people into the system.
The auction will be broadcast on site from TV B3.