The National Social Security Administration (ANSES) reported on its website that the collection dates corresponding to the March calendar will be slightly modified by two national holidays: Carnival Tuesday (March 1) and the National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice (Thursday, March 24). March).
These two holidays, as indicated by the ANSES, will affect the monthly collection dates of the beneficiaries of Non-Contributory Pensions (PNC) and retirements and pensions with assets greater than $36,676. Based on the calendar of organismthe dates will move one day.
Payment schedule for PNC
According to what was disclosed by the ANSES, the holders of the PNC will receive their monthly contributions according to the completion of the National Identity Document (DNI), from Wednesday, March 2 to Tuesday, March 8. They will be the first to collect.
This was the established payment order:
- DNI ending in 0 and 1: Wednesday, March 2
- DNI completed in 2 and 3: Thursday, March 3
- DNI completed in 4 and 5: Friday, March 4
- DNI completed on 6 and 7: Monday, March 7
- ID completed in 8 and 9: Tuesday, March 8
Payment schedule for retirees and pensioners
The first group of retirees and pensioners, those who receive monthly contributions of less than $36,676, will begin to collect from the second week of March, once the federal administration finish paying the PNC deposits.
The first day of payments will be Wednesday, March 9, and those holders whose ID ends in 0 will be charged; on Thursday 10, they charge the DNI 1; on Friday 11, DNI 2; Monday 14, DNI 3; Tuesday 15, DNI 4; Wednesday 16, DNI 5; Thursday 17, DNI 6; Friday 18, DNI 7; Monday 21, DNI 8; and finally, on Tuesday, March 22, the IDs ending in 9.
Those retirees and pensioners who receive monthly contributions greater than $36,676, they will have to wait until Wednesday, March 23, to start receiving their deposits. These are the dates assigned for this group:
- DNI ending in 0 and 1: Wednesday, March 23
- DNI completed in 2 and 3: Friday, March 25
- DNI completed in 4 and 5: Monday, March 28
- DNI completed on 6 and 7: Tuesday, March 29
- DNI completed in 8 and 9: Wednesday, March 30