The president of the Association of Physicians of said nosocomio, stated that a note was sent to the president of the Assembly’s Health, Labor and Labor Development Commission to ask him to attend a commission at the end of the march, however, they have not received response.
Medical and administrative staff of the Santo Tomás Hospital will march this Monday, starting at 3:30 pm, towards the National Assembly, since they denounce that they have not been taken into account in the discussion of Bill 550 on patronage, which It has been raised to a second debate in the National Assembly.
Dr. Juan Carmelo Wong, president of the Association of Physicians of said hospital, stated that a note was sent to the president of the Assembly’s Health, Labor and Labor Development Commission to ask him to attend a commission at the end of the march, without However, they have not received a response.
“It is a pity that we have to address this situation because the boards of trustees offered him a very elegant way out and that is that the boards of trustees that already have laws and have been in place for many years are removed from this bill, however, the deputies do not accept this motion,” he said.