SANTO DOMINGO.- The president of the Association of Riferos in Pro of Legalization (ASODREPROL), Bishop Carvajal, deplored the new resolution No. 172-2022 of the Ministry of Finance, which forces the sector to use desktop computers which are discontinued.
He pointed out that in 2019 the Treasury made the mistake of issuing Resolution 183-2019, which forced the sector to use archaic computers that arrived used from abroad and also forced the use of investors, a sign of the State’s ignorance of the reality of the sector.
He said that in that same year several meetings were held against that Resolution, achieving the rectification of the error by the Ministry of Finance with resolution 192-2020, which clarifies that “we are free to use any terminal that operates within our banks.”
However, ASODREPROL indicated that today, April 8, 2022, the Ministry of Finance has issued the new resolution 172-2022, to return to the old days of operating with desktop computers, with which it understands the sector is punished.
He understands that the administrator of the National Lottery, Teófilo Quico Tabar, had to carry out a sample with at least 5,000 lottery seats to understand the Dominican reality.
He adds that, with the delivery of this new resolution, which he considers preposterous and absurd, which forces the miners to make a million-dollar investment in the next 15 days and end up worse off than they started, going back to using inverters and other used equipment, without be able to sell offline.
“We are saddened that the Minister of Finance, José Manuel Vicente, has authorized said resolution in ignorance of the Dominican reality and our entity disqualifies that 2019 resolution, which is a setback that affects us all,” said the president of ASODREPROL.