embarazos, adolescentes, preservativos, Cuba, Artemisa

Artemisa: Teenage pregnancies increase due to lack of condoms and sexual education

MADRID, Spain.- Health authorities in the province of Artemisa recognized the increase in adolescent pregnancies, due, among other reasons, to the shortage of contraceptives in the country, lack of sexual education and the promptness in the initiation of sexual relations.

“This phenomenon is influenced by multiple factors: the increasingly early start of sexual relations, the consumption of sexuality issues through inappropriate channels, the concern of women not to be accepted within the social group, debauchery without adequate perception of risk and, in recent times, the lack of contraceptive tablets and condoms has been added,” said Gloria Lidia Peña Martínez, a first-degree specialist in Clinical Genetics.

In an interview with the local media the artemiseño, Peña Martínez indicated that in general these adolescents “come from dysfunctional families, with a low cultural, economic level… who reside in rural settlements; although there are exceptions.

Another worrying element pointed out by the specialist was “the irresponsibility of the adult man.”

In this sense, he explained: “In general, in the routine interview with pregnant women, they allude to the fact of conception, the relationship with a man of legal age.” In this regard, he stressed that “there must be a law that protects minors in such situations, since in other countries justice severely attacks those who violate the integrity of the minor.”

Consequences of teenage pregnancies

Fertility at an early age carries serious risks for both the health of the baby and the mother; as well as social.

Health risks include preeclampsia, sepsis, anemia, low birth weight, and prematurity. Traumas are also frequent at the time of delivery, due to differences between the size of the fetus and the mother’s pelvis, as well as congenital malformations that are also common in pregnancies that occur at extreme ages of life.

In addition, on many occasions the son or daughter can be deprived of growing up in an environment of responsible maternity and paternity.

Contraceptive crisis in Cuba

Recently, the official media overcome recognized that in recent months there has been a marked deficiency of contraceptive methods throughout Cuba, which has resulted in an increase in sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

According to the information, the figures for official and unofficial abortions have been the highest in the last two years.

overcome He also mentioned that in the absence of a formal market to purchase contraceptives, people resort to buying and selling groups such as Revolico, where they are found at very high prices. This increase in prices reduces the accessibility of the most disadvantaged people, and implies a level of risk when consuming unregulated drugs.

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