The educational community of the district of Arraiján, in West Panama, decided to continue the militant strike that they have been carrying out for more than a week due to the poor conditions presented by the schools in this area of the country, despite meeting with the Minister of Education Maruja Gorday de Villalobos.
In this meeting, where representatives of more than 16 schools participated, Gorday de Villalobos assured that they are working to provide a solution to the needs of the schools in Arraiján and that they have already hired cleaning personnel in the schools that required it, in addition to working to obtain more than $50 million and give them a prompt response.
“We have practically executed the assigned budget for infrastructure investment, but we have set up a table with the MEF (Ministry of Economy and Finance) and the Presidency to seek even more than 50 million project collection procedures that we are receiving and continue to seek. as we have always done, this availability to have that budget” the Minister pointed out.
Faced with the minister’s statements, the parents assured that this meeting has been a mockery, so the strike will continue.
“We continue in the militant strike. Today, more schools are going to join the Movement for the Rescue of Education in West Panama, but also, they are going to join the work stoppage in the District of Arraiján,” said Alberto Morán, spokesperson for the parents. of family.
Abdel Becerra, teacher of this educational community indicated that they want to make an immediate call to the President of the Republic so that, through extraordinary items, he gives them concrete answers.
“The educational community has risen up and has been very clear, they have to give an immediate response to the great number of needs of the schools in this district. This movement is for the rescue of the schools of Arraiján”, sentenced Becerra.