After the elections, Parliament is taking on its new form with names that arrive, others that remain, and many that failed to rekindle the love of their electorate that has turned its back on them. One of them is the outgoing senator, Jorge Gandiniof the National Party, who also competed in the nationalist internal race against Álvaro Delgado, with a strong faith in himself.
Last February, after launching his pre-candidacy, Gandini had assured at a party meeting: “I can beat the Frente Ampliobecause we learned how to compete with them, their speeches, their vision of accumulation, their ideas of alliances that are different from ours.”
Gandini also did not manage to gain access to a seat in the Deputies, because his “For the Homeland” sector reached about 15,000, which was not enough for him to maintain a popularly elected position. According to data from the Parliamentary Studies Program (PEP) of the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Social Sciences of UdelaR, Gandini has been in Parliament for decades.
Years and years in Parliament
He entered for the first time on September 18, 1985 as a substitute deputy of the National Party. In 1995 he managed to enter as a replacement for Álvaro Ramos, who was appointed as chancellor at that time. Between 2005 and 2020 he was a deputy for Montevideo and as of 2020, a senator of the Republic. In total, he has spent more than 25 years in positions of this type.
Nor could they renew their white seats, for example, Beatríz Argimón (D Centro), who is currently vice president of the government of Luis Lacalle Pou and president of the Senate, or the businessman Juan Sartori. For the Frente Amplio, the former Minister of Tourism and Senator Liliam Kechichián, or Charles Carrera (who was elected but will not take office), was left without a seat.
This is the complete list of legislators who failed to keep their seats:
- Beatriz Argimón (D Center)
- Jorge Gandini (National Party)
- Gloria Rodríguez (National Party)
- Juan Sartori (National Party)
- Carmen Asiaín (although she could enter as a substitute)
- Gustavo Penadés (National Party, in prison)
- Liliam Kechichian (Frente Amplio)
- José Nunes (Socialist Party)
- Charles Carrera (MPP, will not take office)
- Guido Manini Ríos (Open Town Hall)
- Irene Moreira (Open Town Hall)
- Guillermo Domenech (Open Town Hall)
- Gustavo Olmos (Broad Front)
- Claudia Hugo (Broad Front)
- Micaela Melgar (Broad Front)
- Cecilia Bottino (Broad Front)
- Verónica Mato (Broad Front)
- Ubaldo Aita (Broad Front)
- Suana Pereyra (Frente Amplio, retires)
- Martín Tierno (Frente Amplio, did not run)
- Gabriel Barreiro (Socialist Party)
- Enzo Malán (Socialist Party)
- Daniel Gherard (People’s Victory Party)
- Armando Castaingdebat (National Party, did not appear)
- Omar Lafluf (National Party)
- Gerardo Amarilla (National Party)
- Alexandra Inzaurralde (National Party)
- Daniel Martínez Escames (National Party)
- Gonzalo Mujica (National Party)
- Álvaro Viviano (National Party)
- Pablo Viana (National Party)
- Javier Radiccioni (National Party)
- Milton Corbo (National Party)
- Nancy Soler (National Party)
- José Quintuin Olano (National Party)
- Carmen Tort (National Party)
- Germán Cardoso (Colorado Party)
- Ope Pasquet (Colorado Party, ran for senator)
- María Eugenia Rosello (Colorado Party)
- Jorge Alvear (Colorado Party)
- Omar Estévez (Colorado Party)
- Juan Moreno (Colorado Party)
- Rodrigo Albernáz (Open Town Hall)
- Sebastián Cal (Open Town Hall)
- Rafael Menéndez (Open Town Hall)
- Carlos Testa (Open Town Hall)
- Martín Sodano (Open Town Hall)
- Nazmi Camargo (Open Town Hall)
- Wilman Caballero (Open Town Hall)
- Eduardo Lust (ex-Cabildo Abierto, created new party)
- Elsa Capillera (supported Andrés Ojeda, Colorado Party)
- Daniel Peña (ex-People’s Party)
- César Vega (Intransigent Radical Ecologist Party)
- Iván Posada (Independent Party)