The Green Squadron of the Police in Arequipa, under the command of Major Ojeda Prado, dismantled an alleged gang of foreigners between men and women in a hostel in the center of the city where they would offer drugs and prostitution would be practiced.
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“In the execution of the police operation, the intervention of Venezuelan citizens was obtained (…) in circumstances that apparently carried out a counter-delivery of a package containing a whitish substance, apparently PCB”, is indicated in a police document to which we agreed.
Then, it is detailed that they found a “sex worker” with dry leaves that would be marijuana and more than 5,750 soles, among other objects.
“Proceeding to the arrest of the same for being immersed in the alleged commission of the crime against public health – illicit drug trafficking, under the modality of micro marketing”, it is specified.
The document adds that, in said building (hotel), many Venezuelan women were intervened and, when carrying out the search inside the hostel, “new and used condoms were found scattered throughout the rooms”, which would presume that they had been exercising prostitution there.
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“PNP State security personnel participated in the proceedings in order to verify the immigration status of foreign citizens (Venezuelans) (…) they coordinated with the inspection representatives of the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa, who carried out the administrative procedure and the hostel clause”, it is indicated.