ARKthe new organization that will replace AFIP, will be subjected to a strong adjustment, not only in personnel, but also in the resources allocated to its operation. Milei’s chainsaw will continue in government agencies and several layoffs are expected.
ARK It has begun to function as an organization that depends exclusively on the government and its policies. However, because of this, it cannot escape staff reduction and will have to operate with fewer resources.
A few hours ago, the national spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, announced that the collection agency will operate with staff and resource cuts of up to 80%.. This includes, but is not limited to, high-ranking officials, mid-ranking officials, and temporary contract staff.
“The privileges and unbridled spending in ARCA are ending”
It has also been announced that it is possible that some agency properties in the provinces will be auctioned, although the information has not been confirmed. Be that as it may, it is said that 2025 will see a much faster and more advanced shrinkage of the state.
According to what is rumored in the corridors of the Casa Rosada, it would be planned to shrink the state much more and close many more offices than those that have already been closed. The doubts are established about where those resources that are saved would go and if they would serve to settle debt.
Let us remember that, by decree, any new incorporation into the state must be based on three dismissals in any office that depends on the government. In this way, not only would the worker’s salary be guaranteed, but also a greater workload for that incorporation.
The criticisms
The prevailing social thermometer in the country has calmed down a bit, due to the holidays and the fact that many have decided to go to Brazil to take a well-deserved rest. However, with the shrinking of ARK and other state offices, unemployment is growing and there are already strong questions.
It is expected that the tourist turnover will once again strain the national social fabric, because there will also be new increases in services, which will increase the prices of food and transportation. The outlook looks complex for the first half of the year.
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