This Friday, February 4, the Police raided the studios of the radio station Azul FM, as a result of the broadcast of the audios with intimate content in the program “La Pecera” by Ignacio Álvarez, referring to the investigation into the “group rape” of a 30 year old woman.
As a result of the events, the Central Board of Directors of APU issued a statement through which it expresses its “great concern” about the request for a search of a media outlet made by the Prosecutor’s Office and authorized by the Justice, within the framework of the investigation of a suspected crime.
APU “is concerned about the procedure used to obtain evidence in the framework of the ex officio investigation ordered by the Prosecutor’s Office, because it can lead, among other serious consequences, to the violation of a sacred principle for journalistic work, such as the reservation of sources.
The Central Board of Directors of the APU requested an interview with the Attorney General of the Nation, Dr. Juan Gómez, which will take place this Monday, February 7 at noon, to raise the concern and “formally request that this measure be reviewed.” .
On his Twitter account, Álvarez said that the Justice released a “dangerous order that threatens freedom of the press and information,” and he assured that, for this reason, he did not hand over his cell phone and will appeal the sentence.