Applications for the Federal Comptroller General’s (CGU) competition are open until February 1st. There are 300 vacancies for the position of Federal Auditor of Finance and Control and 75 vacancies for Federal Technician of Finance and Control. Remunerations are, respectively, R$19,197.06 and R$7,283.31.
The position of Federal Auditor of Finance and Control requires a higher education level and that of Federal Technician of Finance and Control, a medium level. The registration fees are R$80 for the intermediate level and R$120 for the higher level.
The contest, which will be held by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), will have objective and discursive tests, which should take place on March 20th. For the position of Federal Technician of Finance and Control, the test will be in one shift, from 8 am to 12:30 pm, when the objective and discursive tests will be applied.
For the auditor position, there will be two shifts, from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm, when the objective test of basic knowledge and the discursive test take place, and from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, when the objective of specific knowledge and specialized knowledge will be applied.
The application of the tests takes place in the following cities: Brasília (DF), Porto Alegre (RS), Recife (PE), São Paulo (SP), Rio Branco (AC), Manaus (AM), Macapá (AP), Belém (PA) ), Porto Velho (RO), Boa Vista (RR) and Palmas (TO). The candidate in which the candidate will take the test will be chosen at the time of registration.
The application and the complete notice are available at FGV website .