2025 did not start specifically with good news for political parties. At least not for alliance for progress (app) and Peru Libre, the groups that have lost the most militants in the first month of this year.
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According to official information from the National Jury of Elections (JNE) which he accessed Peru21the party chaired by the regional governor of La Libertad, César Acuñasuffered the resignation of 112 militants, while the organization of the pencil, directed by the fugitive Vladimir Cerrónregistered the escape of 107 affiliates.
In the case of the Acuña party, the resignation of the mayor of the Lima district of Magdalena, Francis Allison, on January 3 is formalized. However, he was not the only official in this commune that left the ranks of this group. The Head of the General Office of Planning and Budget of the Municipality, Nelson Wilberto Chevez Solís, left four days later.
It also appears the resignation of the former Decoan of the Illustrious Bar Association of Arequipa, Alfredo Álvarez Díaz, on January 7, and that of the councilor of the Municipality of Surquillo, Miguel Ángel Ccamac Ortíz, on the 20th of the same month.
On the other hand, Juan Venancio Escriba Palomino, deputy manager of the Youth, Education and Sports Deputy Manager of the Provincial Municipality of Huamanga, on January 8, and Rudy Guerra Ricse, Deputy Manager of Social Development and Equal Opportunities of the Regional Government of Junín , on January 3.
For its part, Peru Libre suffered the decline of the engineer José Manuel Corrales Vizcarra, who serves as Regional Minister of Cusco, on January 1.
He also abandoned the Edwin Quispe Guillén pencil group, president of the Vraem Coffee Growers Associationon January 21, and Mario Elías Rentería Sánchez, head of the Defensorial Office of the Ombudsman in Piura, two days later.
This newspaper had already alerted that these two political parties were the ones that lost the most affiliates in December 2024. APP had the resignation of 79 militants and 67 free Peru.
In total, last month 630 citizens resigned or requested their exclusion from the political organization to which they belonged. Little more than 94% of them did until December 23, a legal deadline for a militant to give up his group and be enabled to apply with another as invited or designated in the general elections of 2026.
According to the official JNE information, APP is the most affiliated party, at least until 2023. In total, 266,432 people were recorded. The number grew exponentially after 2017. The second in the list is Popular Action, with more than 218,020 affiliates.
In the case of Peru Libre, it has 161,654 citizens registered in its ranks, a higher number than it grouped until before the 2021 elections. In that period, its militancy exceeded 24,000 citizens.
Locks to postulate
In this regard, the electoral law lawyer José Naupari Wong told Peru21 That those who renounced a political party during January 2025 can no longer apply for next year’s general elections, that is, within a presidential plate or to be a senator or deputy.
“Article 24b of the Political Organizations Law says that if you want to apply for a different party to the one you were affiliated, You had to give up 1 year before at the date of expiration of the election call period. Legally, that period expired on December 23, 2024, ”he said.
The lawyer added that, if a person wants to participate in primary elections for the general elections, “he must have been affiliated with that organization until July last year.” However, if that person wants to participate in the process as a guest, he had to leave the old group on December 23.
However, to the positions of popular election of the regional and municipal contest of October 2026 they could apply because the renunciation limit still expires in June this year.
- Lower. After APP and Peru Libre, the most militant matches in this month were Peru (66), Popular Action (58) and Podemos (40), by José Luna Gálvez.
- Other losses. They also suffered low Peru (30), by Martín Vizcarra, together for Peru (24) and the purple party (18), among others.
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