The president of Antel, Gabriel Gurméndez, toured together with board authorities the beginning of the fiber optic installation in the Casavalle Unit area, and in the Borro, Bonomi and Misiones Unit neighborhoods. This change will replace the old copper links, improve connectivity and mobile services in that region of the capital.
On the occasion, the chief stressed that for the state telecommunications company it is a work of great relevance, since it democratizes access to the service throughout the territory. “The most important thing is to connect, to bring the Internet, to bring connectivity to all places, to bring services to our people,” he said.
In addition, he stated that this project, in addition to replacing the old copper links, will reduce wireless internet services and optimize the quality of mobile services in that area of Montevideo.
The president of Antel also argued that this measure is a way to “settle a moral debt of equity with all Uruguayans.” The initiative is planned to reach 121 towns and villages and eight metropolitan areas of Montevideo, where there is still no fiber optics. Gurméndez reported that the infrastructure will be enabled before the end of the year.