On Thursday, December 19, the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) will continue with the December payment schedule, distributing salaries and benefits to various groups of beneficiaries. This day is especially relevant for retirees, pensioners and beneficiaries of family allowances.
According to ANSESretirees and pensioners who exceed the minimum income will receive their payments today. The minimum retirement, along with the $70,000 bonus, is $329,598.76, and the bonus is added. The salaries are distributed according to the ending of the DNI, with those whose documents end in 4 and 5 receiving payment today.
Beneficiaries of the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) and the Family Child Allowance (SUAF) will also receive their payments today. Documents ending in 8 will be the ones charged today. These allowances are crucial for families who depend on this financial support.
Pregnant women who receive the Pregnancy Allowance (AUE) will also receive today. Documents ending in 7 will be the beneficiaries of this day. This allowance is vital to ensure the well-being of mothers and their babies during pregnancy.
Non-contributory pensions will also be paid today. These pensions are intended for people who have not made contributions to the social security system and who meet certain age and economic status requirements.
Single Payment allowances, intended for newlyweds, adopters and parents of newborns, will also be collected this Thursday. These allocations are financial aid to support families at important moments in their lives.
Unemployment Plan 1 beneficiaries will also receive their payments today. This allowance is financial aid for those who are unemployed and actively looking for work. The payment schedule ANSES It is essential to ensure that beneficiaries receive their salaries and benefits in a timely and organized manner.
This calendar helps avoid crowding at bank branches and facilitates the management of available resources. To verify if you are a beneficiary of any of these benefits and when you will receive your payment, you can consult the ANSES website or go to a bank branch. It is important to be aware of payment dates to plan your personal finances.
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