This Friday the 28th, the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) continues with the payment schedule of the last social benefits corresponding to the month of October. During this day the deposits of a group will be paid.
Today the organism Directed by Fernanda Raverta, it pays the last retirements and pensions for those who have assets that do not exceed $48,729. According to what is established in the calendar, who are holders of this benefit of the ANSES and their IDs end in number 6 and 7, they will be able to go to the bank this Friday to withdraw the cash.
On the other hand, the ANSES It will also deliver today the last amounts of the unemployment bonus 1, the social program that is intended to help those people who lost their jobs for unjustified reasons during the pandemic and who do not have a fixed monthly income.
On your website, the pension entity He reported that today it will be the turn to collect from the beneficiaries whose termination of the document coincides with numbers 8 and 9. Those who have to collect this day will be able to approach the established banking entity without having to process a previous shift.

Who gets paid first in November
Barely four days before the end of October, the ANSES It has already defined all the collection dates of the calendar corresponding to the month of November, in which the deposits of various groups will be paid.
Like every month the first to receive their contributions will be the beneficiaries of the Non-Contributory Pensions (PNC)the benefit received by people over 65 who have not completed their contributions, do not have a fixed income and require state aid.

It is important to note that PNC holders must meet one of these three criteria to receive subsidies: be over 65 years old, have some type of disability, or be mothers with 7 children or more. Payments for this group will be deposited according to the termination of the DNI, from Tuesday, November 1 to Monday, November 7, respectively. Here is the order in which they will charge:
- DNI ending in 0 and 1: Tuesday, November 1
- DNI completed in 2 and 3: Wednesday, November 2
- DNI completed in 4 and 5: Thursday, November 3
- DNI completed on 6 and 7: Friday, November 4
- DNI completed on 8 and 9: Monday, November 7