The National Social Security Administration (ANSES) reported that the payment schedule for the month of June will continue to be paid as of Tuesday 21, when the four-day national stoppage for the extra-long weekend is completed.
As reported by the pension entitybetween Tuesday 21 and Friday 24 June, the payments of six groups of the ANSES: retirement and minimum pensions; retirement and maximum pensions; Family Allowances per Child (AFH) and Universal Per Child (AUH); Unemployment Plan 1; and Pregnancy Allowance (AUE).
In the case of retirement and minimum pensions, the ANSES He specified that, between Tuesday the 21st and Wednesday the 22nd, the monthly contributions of those beneficiaries whose assets do not exceed $42,178 will be paid. These are the established dates of the schedule:
- DNI finished in 8: Tuesday, June 21.
- DNI finished in 9: Wednesday, June 22.
For its part, the payments of the Family Allowance for Children (AFH) and Universal Allowance for Children (AUH), will be deposited as of Tuesday 21, for those holders whose DNI ends in number 7. The rest of the dates remained Following way:
- DNI finished in 8: Wednesday, June 22.
- DNI finished in 9: Thursday, June 23.
However, the beneficiaries of the Pregnancy Allowance (AUE) will continue to be paid throughout the week based on the completion of the DNI. On Tuesday 21, it is the turn of those with DNI ending in 6; on Wednesday 22, it charges the terminations of DNI 7; on Thursday 23, DNI 8; while on Friday the 24th, the schedule is completed with the DNIs ending at 9.
What other benefits are paid this week
Once the minimum retirement contributions are paid, the organism led by Fernanda Raverta will advance with the deposits of those pensioners and retirees whose assets are greater than $42,178. These remunerations will be paid according to the termination of the DNI from June 23 to 29.
Finally, between June 23 and 29, the ANSES will start paying the monthly benefits of the Unemployment Plan 1. This group will also receive their remuneration following the order of termination of the DNI.