In February 2025, retirees and pensioners of the Argentine pension system will receive their salaries adjusted in accordance with retirement mobility based on inflation. This increase, implemented by ANSES Through a decree of necessity and urgency in April 2024, it establishes that the increases be made monthly, instead of quarterly, and follow the consumer price index (CPI) published by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC). .
The 2.7% increase corresponding to December 2024 inflation impacts February salaries, which sets the minimum retirement at $273,086.50. Besides, ANSES The payment of the extraordinary bonus of $70,000, granted since March of last year, continues, which raises the total minimum amount to $343,086.50.
The evolution of the retirements minimum has been significant since the implementation of the new retirement mobility formula. In February 2024, minimum pensions were not updated during the first two months of the year, despite the fact that inflation accumulated 71% between December 2023 and February 2024.
This delay in adjustments had generated a historic drop in the purchasing power of the retirementsmarking the lowest level in more than 15 years. However, as of April 2024, the new formula began to take effect with monthly increases and an initial adjustment of 12.5%, which allowed a gradual recovery.
Despite this year-on-year improvement, retirements minimums in February 2025 are still 3.8% below November 2023, the last full month of the Frente de Todos administration. The extraordinary bonus of $70,000 has remained frozen in value since March 2024.
This benefit is received in full by retirees who earn the minimum salary. In addition, those whose income is below $343,086.50 (minimum retirement plus bonus) receive partial compensation until that amount is reached. For example, a retiree who earns $300,000 receives a bonus of $43,086.50.
While minimum pensions with a bonus show a year-on-year increase of 27.6% in real terms, retirements above the minimum have performed significantly better. The latter register an increase of 54.46% year-on-year and are 9% above their real value in November 2023.
The main difference is that the retired Those who receive higher amounts do not receive the extraordinary bonus, which eliminates the negative impact of freezing this benefit on their total assets. The mobility formula in force since April 2024 replaced the previous system, which granted quarterly increases based on the combined increase in salaries and pension collections.
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