The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) published today (22) the pre-bidding and contract drafts with the bidding rules for 11 blocks located in the pre-salt area, in the Permanent Production Sharing Offer (OPP). the notices can be accessed this page from Internet.
A public hearing was also scheduled for March 25 and a public consultation was opened on the documents to be presented by interested companies.
Procedures for participating in the public consultation and hearing are available at the site of bidding rounds and on ANP consultations and hearings page.
Of the 11 blocks on offer, six were planned for the 7th and 8th production sharing rounds, in the Santos Basin: Ágata, Água Marinha, Esmeralda, Jade, Turmalina and Tupinambá. The remaining five were not won in production sharing bidding rounds carried out by the ANP: Itaimbezinho (4th sharing round, Campos Basin), Norte de Brava (6th sharing round, Campos Basin), Bumerangue, Cruzeiro do Sul and Southwest of Sagittarius (6th sharing round, Santos Basin).
Permanent Offer
According to the ANP, permanent offer is a bidding format for granting exploration and production contracts for exploratory blocks and areas with marginal accumulations, located in onshore or offshore basins, for exploration or rehabilitation and production of oil and natural gas. In this format, the offer of exploratory blocks and areas with marginal accumulations is continuous.
Until December last year, the permanent offer was carried out exclusively under a concession contracting regime, without the possibility of including pre-salt areas and also areas considered strategic, in accordance with Law No. is production sharing.
Resolution 27/2021, of the National Energy Policy Council, of December 24, 2021, suspended this limitation and established that fields or blocks located in the pre-salt polygon or in strategic areas can be tendered in the permanent offer system upon determination specific to this council, defining the parameters to be adopted for each field or block.
On January 5 of this year, CNPE Resolution No. 26/2021 authorized the bidding of 11 blocks in the permanent offer system, under the production sharing regime, and approved the technical and economic parameters of the auction.
The ANP also informed that the exploratory blocks to be offered in the OPP are not related to the blocks offered in the 3rd cycle of the permanent concession offer, which is in progress and has a public bid presentation session scheduled for April 13.