During the premiere of journalist Jaime Chincha’s program, the prime minister, Hannibal Torres, revealed that before April 5 he had told President Castillo that he wanted to resign from his position. This contradicts his statements from that date where he assured that had not submitted his resignation and that the cabinet was very solid.
Aníbal Torres said that, when expressing that position to the president, he assured him that they would talk. However, this talk never took place, which is why the President of the Council of Ministers remained in office.
YOU CAN SEE: Pedro Castillo: “In the decentralized councils, the leaders draw our attention as a Government”
This version contrasts a lot with the statements that Aníbal Torres gave to the press on the afternoon of April 5: “I inform you that I have not submitted my resignation, the cabinet is very solid, I am very happy with this team that has been working for the good of the country,” he mentioned then.
Regarding the reasons he had for retiring from public office, Torres argued that he performs better in activities in the private sector: “I am a university professor, I am a very disciplined researcher in legal matters and I have abandoned all that.” He denied that there were any other reasons for resigning as prime minister.
YOU CAN SEE: Aníbal Torres will go to Congress to explain the PL on the constituent assembly this Tuesday 3
Like so many other times, the president of the Council of Ministers could not hide his rejection of the work of the press. So, When asked by the journalist Jaime Chincha about whether he will continue in office, he confirmed that he would. “So as not to please the press”, finished.
Summons in the Control Commission
Likewise, during the interview, he commented on his position regarding the citations in the Audit Commission and the Constitution Commission in Congress. Regarding this last summons, Torres pointed out that the constituent assembly was always in the government’s plans. According to the prime minister, during the decentralized councils, citizens have expressed their desire to hold a constituent assembly.